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ST for iOS Update available

The first ST for iOS update is available for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch now. I hope you like the new features and improvements. Don’t forget to give ST some stars, if you like the app 😉

Download on the App Store


What’s New in Version 1.1.0

Apple Watch Support

  • see all next tasks on your wrist and change the task state
  • glance view shows the number of open tasks and the most important task name
  • see also ST for Apple Watch

New Features

  • thoughts with attachments have a own icon, now you can easily see which thoughts have attachments
  • much better next task filter


  • new brighter icon for simple thoughts
  • small enhancements on project and task icons
  • new task thoughts have always a filled start date like in the desktop version
iOS Thought Tree 1.1.0

new thought icons in the thought tree

task thought content

task thought content

Many thanks for using Sorting Thoughts.


ST for Apple Watch

Sorting Thoughts will be ready for your wrist resp. for your Apple Watch with the next update. The Apple Watch app of Sorting Thoughts comes with a glance view which shows the number of all open tasks and the number of all tasks which are in progress. Beside you see the most important task name chosen by “end date” and task priority and a counter until the beginning of the next day. With the main app you can see all next tasks of your unlocked thought collections and you can easily change the task state to “Open”, “In progress” or “Closed”.

Here is a little animation which shows the functionality:

Sorting Thoughts on an Apple Watch

Sorting Thoughts on an Apple Watch

Glance View

Glance View


New web page is online

After a couple of years, Sorting Thoughts has now a new look in the world wide web. The page based now on responsive web design and looks also great on mobile devices. I hope you like it too. 🙂


Sorting Thoughts out now for iOS

Ta-Ta! Sorting Thoughts is finally available for iOS resp. iPad and iPhone with iOS 8.

After nearly two years of development in my spare time and some project delays, I’m so happy to see this app in the app store. Now, I have a trustfully mobile note taking app for all my notes and tasks and I hope you too.

Download the app on the Apple App Store or find out more details on this site: Sorting Thoughts for iOS.


P.S. I appreciate your feedback. Don’t forget to write a review on the App Store. 😉

Goodbye ST for webOS

HP closed the doors of the webOS App Catalog and this means also the end of the webOS version of Sorting Thoughts. I look back to over 200 app reviews with 4.5 stars and over 50,000 active users. At this point many thanks for this to all users – I hope the next coming iOS version of Sorting Thoughts will be a good replacement.

If you are still a brave webOS user you can use Preware and the IPK file to install Sorting Thoughts without the App Catalog.

Preview: ST for iOS

So, it’s finally time to announce some news about the upcoming iOS version of Sorting Thoughts.
After a long phase of finding out the best and practical way to realize the sync feature on iOS and Android, I’m now deeply involved in the development of the iOS app. After the introducing of iOS 7 some weeks ago, I changed my plans a little bit and decided that the app will be used some must-have features of iOS 7. This means also that the app will not support iOS 6 or iOS 5. But iOS 7 works perfectly together with my app concept.

The screenshots below show a first impression of the app. You can see the thought list with tags and trash section on the left side. The screen in the middle shows a standard thought with editable text content. And on the right side, you can see the organization of sub thoughts – in this example three milestone event thoughts.

First screenshots of ST for iOS

Sorting Thought for iOS

This features are already done:

  • Handling of multiple thought collections
  • Thought content editor
  • Different thought types: standard, project, task and event thoughts
  • Thought tagging
  • Thought name color marker
  • Create sub thoughts

My Next Milestones (forecast)

  • I. Start app beta tests (Aug 2013)
  • II. Start sync service (Sep 2013)
  • III. App release (Nov 2013)

There’s still a lot to be done. But I hope my forecast will come true. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.