Finally, the time has come and I have great news!
Sorting Thoughts for iOS / iPadOS is going into public beta today, January 28th, in line with the “Data Privacy Day“.
This means that you can participate in the beta test via TestFlight starting today and help make the app even better.
I’ve been working hard recently to completely overhaul the app’s interface and make it more intuitive. Additionally, with support for least iOS / iPadOS 15.6, many standard features will be added to help you sort your thoughts even better.
The synchronization has also been revised to make it easier and faster to update all thoughts across your devices. I’ve also made a lot of smaller improvements and bugfixes to improve the overall user experience.
The beta version can be downloaded from Apple’s TestFlight app.
Simply install the TestFlight app and participate in the beta test via this invitation link. If you already have SortingThoughts installed, the old version will be replaced and the saved collections and thoughts will be available in the new version.
More information about TestFlight can be found here: Testing apps with TestFlight
On the GitHub page of SortingThoughts the issue backlog is now available to track the progress or report bugs directly.
There is also a discussion forum to share ideas or questions, for example. In addition, it is now possible to become a sponsor of the project to directly support the development.
I hope this will make the development of Sorting Thoughts more transparent and will provide more new features in the future.