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ST for iOS – the beta test starts!

Finally, the time has come and I have great news! Sorting Thoughts for iOS / iPadOS is going into public beta today, January 28th, in line with the “Data Privacy Day”. This means that you can participate in the beta test via TestFlight starting today and...

10 Years Sorting Thoughts

Years Wow, today Sorting Thoughts is really 10 years old and still a companion in busy days to help sorting private thoughts, to plan projects or easily to keep focus on important thoughts. The feature set grew up over the years and the sync service connects thoughts...

ST 2.0 is finally here!

Yes it’s true, Sorting Thoughts 2.0 is finally here and it comes with a bunch of new features. Sorry for the long wait, but things never turn out the way you expect and sometimes things come back. I hope you enjoy the new big update. New Features Fresh design...

ST for iOS update available (1.2.0)

The iOS app of Sorting Thoughts gets a fresh update with a few improvements: – the sync works now with the desktop version of Sorting Thoughts 2.0 – added support for iPhone X and iPad Pro – Apple Watch extensions shows now a quick summary of open...